
Legal notice


1.- Identification data

This website is the property of D'ENGINY BIOREM SL, with CIF B63725907 and registered office at C/ Madrazo, 68, Bjs. 08006 Barcelona (Spain). You can contact us through the following email: biorem@biorem.cat

2.- Intellectual and industrial property

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and design of this website belong to D'ENGINY BIOREM SL, unless otherwise indicated. The reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of the aforementioned contents without the express authorization of D'ENGINY BIOREM is expressly prohibited.

3.- Responsibility for content and links

D'ENGINY BIOREM SL is not responsible for the contents of the web pages that can be accessed through links included in this web page, nor for the possible damages derived from their access or use.

4.- Modifications and updates

D'ENGINY BIOREM SL reserves the right to modify and update the information contained in this web page, as well as its configuration and design, at any time and without prior notice.